This Commercial was created for the Perth Film Premiere of Tsawasam, featuring Tandin Sonam. Tandin being one of the most celebrated actors in Bhutan, agreed to feature in the commercial.
We created the format of the commercial with flexibility of both the big screen and for online use.
Working to a very short timeline, the entire commercial was scripted, filmed and edited all within 4 days.
While this is not a normal turn around for a project like this, we understood the reasons for the clients timeframe, and were confident we could pull it off.
Tandin Sonam
Tandin Sonam
Tandin Sonam
Captilize on influence
Captilize on influence
For VEVS Global, this project was really about capitalising on the existing following of Bhutanese celebrity, Tandin Sonam.
With a large client base coming from Bhutan, VEVS Global chose to make the most of Tandin's limited time in Perth, getting him on board with the project.
For VEVS Global, this project was really about capitalising on the existing following of Bhutanese celebrity, Tandin Sonam.
With a large client base coming from Bhutan, VEVS Global chose to make the most of Tandin's limited time in Perth, getting him on board with the project.